Tired of blog scrapers and sploggers? Blog scrapers or sploggers are people who steal your blog content and reproduce it on their own blog. I have seen whole posts ripped off. Not just the content but the images too. And to add insult to injury and make it even worse quite often the sploggers blog is ranked more highly in search engine results than the blog that it was ripped off from.
If you want to protect the integrity of your blog and prevent others cashing in on all your hard work it pays to check periodically to see whether your blog is being scraped. There are free tools such as Copyscape that will assist you to detect if your blog is being scraped.
Here are some articles that will help you learn more about blog scraping or blog splogging, protect your blog from blog scraping and take action if your blog has been scraped.
Social @ Blog Tracker - Content Theft
A great article about how to protect your blog from being copied, some tools to identify copied material and some great tips about what to do if you find your blog has been scraped.
Mint Blogger - How to Knock Out a Scrapper in 2 Easy Steps
In this article you will find out how to report a blog scraper to Google Adsense. There is also an explanation about reporting to Google using the Spam Result Reporting Form
Blog Know How - Add a Feedburner FeedFlare to Your Blogger Feed
In this article you will learn how to add a Feedburner FeedFlare to you Blogger Blogspot feed. The article also covers how to protect your feed from blog scraping by adding a copyright notice and notice of author ownership to the FeedFlare which appears below each post.
Blog Herald - 20 Best Free Anti-Plagarism Tools
A comprehensive article about protection, detection, and reporting of blog scraping of both content and images.
Digital Inspiration - File a DMCA Notice of Copyright InfringementCovers how to file a DMCA notice of copyright infringement and includes a sample template
Lorelle - What To Do When Someone Steals Your Content
Lots of great tips in this informative article on content theft and blog scraping. Includes a sample email template to use when approaching the blog scraper about the content theft.
In this article I have put together some resources that will help you as a blog webmaster protect your blog from blog scraping, detect blog scraping and take action if you find your blog has been scraped and your content stolen. If your blog has been scraped I'd love to hear about your experience.
How to Change the Blog Description Font Color in Blogger
Those new to Blogger often ask about *how to change the blog description in
a Blogger blog*. In today's Blogger tutorial I show you how to modify your
Thank you for the link love. Appreciate your effort to compile an informative list to deal with scrappers. ^^
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work.
Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and comment. I appreciate it. Will update this post as I find other suitable articles so watch this space!
ReplyDeleteYour graphics Rock. Crazy what you have done with a blog. Most people don't even realize. I just started my blog so this will help tremendously. Thank You.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that the information on blog scraping was helpful to you. Thanks for dropping in Ronboe
ReplyDeleteThanks, glad you like the post… I wrote an article about scraping via email. In it, I detailed how spam bloggers, especially those using Blogspot.